vendredi 1 août 2014

Online Mma Training - 50% Recurring
When you see a fight in which a slugfest is taking place, realize that if the fighters are throwing and absorbing blows they probably aren't using proper technique. Whether it goes to a unanimous decision or split, never finish the fight without leaving everything you gave in the hands of the judges. Here we provide 3 keys to knocking your opponent out in the fight.
Hold Your Base.
Make sure you are stable with two points on the ground that can generate the power necessary to KO your opponent. You can't product maximum power without your base giving you the support a knockout punch needs.
This supports the use of legs kicks. When you take away your opponent's base, they can't put any power in their punches, and will often drop their hands whenever you strike to protect leaving their jaw wide open.
Just Explode.
In training you can practice explosive exercises as often as possible. Hitting pads, pulling off a submission, and shooting for the take-down can all be done with explosive efforts.
When you're in weight training, do every lift with an explosion that would stimulate how you would be with a one punch knockout.
Hit targets in practice as often as possible. Use moving ones whenever you can simulate your opponent moving in every direction.
Anticipate head bobbing, and side to side shuffling. The more you are ready for this in training the easier it will be to KO your opponent in the cage.
These 3 aspects of one-punch knockouts should be practiced and further looked into. An online MMA training program can help you elaborate on these.
FREE: MMA Training 3 Ebook Package. The titles include: "4 Simple Steps to Becoming a DESTROYER in the Cage", "Iron Guard's Body Basic Fitness", and "Crazy 8's Bodyweight Circuits". They are available for a limited time only at []
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The Tennis Vault - Online Tennis Instructional Video Membersip Site
I was to meet Bobby Riggs' Aspen Airways flight due in at 2:30 p.m., July 27, 1976. Aspen Airways was a small connector airline from Denver to Aspen. With only a 7,500 foot runway and at 8,000 feet altitude, only small corporate and private aircraft were permitted to land there. Aspen Airways flew small, twin-engine turbo prop puddle jumpers in and out continuously or as continuous as the weather would allow. On stormy days they usually circled above the mountain peaks until they found a hole in the clouds, and then descended rapidly, spiraling down to the field. It was usually a traumatic event for newcomers, but commonplace to locals. Even on a clear day the mountain air could create a bumpy ride.
Fortunately today was a bright and sunny summer one, not a cloud, just a gentle breeze down the runway. It would probably be a mildly bumpy landing for the passengers. As the little commercial flight touches down and approaches the terminal where it will unload the passengers, I walk out onto the tarmac to greet the Man. Several young and happy couples come out first, then a rather smallish, disheveled mid-fifty-year-old man, who looks more like an old hippy than a legendary tennis icon, appears in the doorway. He seems a bit wobbly and is helped down the stairs by a fairly good-sized, good-looking, buxom, thirty-something woman. He is wearing a bright yellow 'Sugar Daddy' T-shirt Perhaps it is a one-size fits all, but it is two sizes too small. A potbelly pops out where his belt should be. I was stunned. This was my big event?
"Mr. Riggs, I'm Marv Moore from the Tennis Club. We're so honored to have you here," I sucked it up, hoping my disappointment was not evident. "I hope the flight didn't completely do you in. It's quite beautiful flying through the Rockies but they can be a little rough at times".
"Nice to be here," He says, holding out his hand. "This is Nurse Nancy. She looks after me. We've been looking forward to this trip. We've never been to Aspen before. Thanks for inviting me. We'll have lots of fun." Fun! My God, this could be a fiasco!!
"Nancy has some concerns about my playing at this altitude at my age, but I'm sure that with a few days to get acclimated before Sunday, I'll be fine." Nurse Nancy smiles.
This is not at all what I expected. My heart sinks further when he adds fuel to my fears, "You know I played a small exhibition in L.A. last week and my elbow is still sore. Perhaps you could provide me with the name of a good doctor where I could get a cortisone shot."
"Of course, Bobby." So this was to be my "Great Event" to open the Club. My stomach churned. How could a man fall into such disrepair in such a short time? It was only a couple of years since he was at the top of his senior tennis game against Billie Jean.
My, oh, my! This is how the Third Battle of the Sexes began.
Aspen Airport is about four miles north of town and as we drive through Aspen I try to displace my concerns by giving Bobby and Nurse Nancy a little history lesson.
"Aspen was an old silver mining town in the 1800's and many of the buildings are the original buildings, but they have been meticulously restored to their charming Victorian state. I've accommodations for you in our best condo at the Tennis Club, overlooking the Roaring Fork River. But we will be dining each evening with some of the most influential people here, to kind of build the excitement for Sunday's match." Bobby doesn't look too happy about this. I babble on, "That's the old Wheeler Opera House...the Hotel Jerome...the Red Onion...the Ute City Bank...It's not really a bank, but a fine restaurant...This town has only 3,000 permanent residences now, but in the 1880's it was a great deal grander. It was wild miners and honkytonks. We're going to hit several of these spots, a different one each evening, with a different group, if you are up to it." I wasn't sure he was up to anything, but I didn't want to give him an out so I plowed on, "Everyone in town can't wait to meet you. The First National Bank is co-sponsoring the event and has folks coming in from all over the state to watch the match. Many are already here so the town is buzzing.
Just then we pass under one the street banners used to promote the event: 'Bobby Riggs vs. Sally Huss, Sunday July 31st in a Battle of the Sexes'. "Nice touch, Marv," says Bobby, smiling graciously as he rubbed his elbow. I could see he was checking it all out. Nurse Nancy sat in the backseat, here to give any support he needed, I suppose.
"The Tennis Club is on the south side of town leading up to Independence Pass and the Continental Divide at 12,000 feet," I'd say anything to keep my mind off of my troubles.
Several turns later we entered the leichenstone gates of the new Tennis Club with our beautiful logo in bronze announcing its name above an aspen leaf, all embedded in wood. Trees to the right. Mirror Lake to the left and the Roaring Fork behind.
"Here we are. A three bedroom luxury unit that's never been slept in yet. It looks out to the Club across the river and has a nice spa and sauna in the master bath. I'd like to pick you up around 6 to join our mayor and the event planners for cocktails and dinner at the famed Crystal Palace. It's a landmark and the best Aspen has to offer. Everyone is dying to meet you."
"Marv, if I could beg off on this first night. I would really appreciate it. I could really use the rest." Nurse Nancy nods in agreement.
I felt at this point the match on Sunday was a wash and any mileage I could get out of our investment would have to be had before the event. I didn't want to tax the guy, but I had people lined up. "I really hate to ask you to do this, Bobby, but even if you could just make a brief appearance with this group it would get things off to a good start. They're our key supporters. I'll get you back as soon as I can."
"OK, but I may not last long. I really feel pretty weak. By the way, here's an envelope. I would like you to handle this. It's a few dollars that I would like to bet on the side. Even money, if any one thinks Sally can beat me."
I hated to take the man's money. It was obvious he was struggling to just make an appearance, let alone win a tennis match. I was totally confused. Now I've become a bookie!
"One more thing, Marv, could you find me a warm-up partner to hit with around 9? I really need to see how this altitude is going to affect me, and see how my arm feels. Don't forget the doctor. Don't worry by Sunday, I'll be fine!"
Don't worry?! That's all I could do.
Andy Stern's law office was housed on the second floor of a beautiful old restored Victorian building overlooking Main Street. Bookcases full of law books and dark leather furniture filled the space. A Tiffany lamp or two added to the casual elegance. Andy, a very dapper Jerry Seinfeld type in his mid-thirties and son of a former Czechoslovakian Davis Cup player was a fine player himself and was eager for our project to succeed. He has been instrumental in the whole development of The Tennis Club, wrangling through city council agendas and legal matters of all shapes and sizes. He was a bright star in Aspen and I had turned to him whenever darkness crossed our path. Today I needed some light.
I slide into the leather couch in front of his desk and let out a deep sigh, "Well, I picked him up and dropped him at the Club condo. Frankly, I'm very concerned that he is going to be able to perform for us. He looks overweight, out of shape and sickly. He can hardly breathe at this altitude or hold a tennis racket because of a sore elbow. He needs rest, a cortisone shot and a bookie! He gave me this envelope of money to cover any side bets if anyone thinks Sally can actually beat him. I don't quite know what to do about all of it. I can't be his bookie, too!"
"Marv, relax, give me the envelope, I'll take care of it. Let's see what's in it."
Andy slices open the envelope and lets the contents spill across his desk. He shakes his head in disbelief. One hundred hundred dollar bills, $10,000 in all. Then he smiles and so do I.
"Marv, this is remarkable. This 58 year-old man coming up here in this altitude, thinking he can beat Sally! Who did she play in the last couple of weeks? Yeah, every male pro in town and she beat them all. With her heavy groundstrokes and big serve, he doesn't have a chance. What is she, a couple of years older than Billie Jean? But she's in great shape. She'll be a big hero. Some of our locals will enjoy taking his money. Let me handle this. He'll get his $3,500 appearance money, plus a chance at the carrot of $1,000 prize money. What a dea!"
It is a small price to pay, if he is presentable. It's the "if" that makes me uncomfortable. "Andy, he's asked me to get him a hitting partner each day to get used to the altitude. I think you should be the one. That way we'll know exactly what to expect. We may have to get Sally to lighten up on him on Sunday."
"Good idea." I feel a little better as I leave Andy's office.
Sally is getting herself ready for the evening when I arrive at our sod-roofed ranch house. I want to share my concerns, yet I don't want to alarm her. She is fairly sensitive. "Hi, Honey. He's finally here. I think you might actually have to carry him to make the match interesting. He's in pretty bad shape physically. I'm a little worried that he can play well enough to give the spectators their money's worth - even if the event is free! Everybody in Colorado knows about this thing and thousands are coming in for it."
"Don't worry, Honey," she says, smiling brightly. "It'll be fun!"
'Worry' and 'fun', in my mind are mutually exclusive and I definitely cannot rid myself of the 'worry'. So 'fun' is out of the question. I'm the one who got this whole thing started, invested the money in bleachers and advertising, and even talked my buddy at the bank into co-sponsoring the event.
"He even tried to duck out of the first social event with the mayor tonight, but then agreed to make a brief appearance."
"It'll be fun," says Sally again. Sally was always into fun, but I didn't need a flop to open the Club.
The Crystal Palace dates back to the silver mining heydays of Aspen. It is one of the original two-story brick buildings that is a work of restorative art inside. To honor its name it has large crystal chandeliers bouncing light everywhere. There are Long, narrow dining tables, a big stage for follies-type entertainment and great cuisine. We have invited all the local dignitaries to be the first to meet the great Bobby Riggs.
The Palace is jammed this night as it is every night. Word spreads as we enter that the man is here. Everyone stands and applauds. Bobby is charming, stops to chat or sign autographs as we make our way to our reserved table. It is hard to believe that an old-time tennis player could garner such admiration, but he created his real fame in his moment of glory as he went down in flames to Billie Jean King. He played the part of the likeable buffoon then. What kind of a part is he playing now? I'm thinking, "Alright! This is a good start!"
The phone rings in my office the next morning. My secretary Julie answers and indicates it is for me.
"Hey, Andy, how did the hit with Bobby go? What's the verdict?" My anxiety had still not subsided.
"Marv, you were right. He could only hit for 20 minutes and had to sit down. He's short of breath. He doesn't run very well and he was spraying the ball everywhere. He couldn't even handle my pace. It was a real struggle to keep a rally going. He apologized profusely and said his nurse was going to take him to see the doctor to get some relief for his elbow. He just wanted to take it easy the rest of the day. I agree with you that we might have a problem with him making a decent showing. He's got to get a whole lot better by Sunday. I'm hitting with him again tomorrow. Let's see if he improves. He did say that he and Nancy will be at our dinner tonight at the Ute City Bank. I'll see you there." That was it. My fears were confirmed. The event might really be a disaster. So we had to do the best we could with the people we were entertaining each evening to make sure they liked us and liked what we were doing as far as the Club was concerned.
The Ute City Bank still looks like the old silver mining depository of yesteryear on the outside, but like the Crystal Palace, the inside has been beautifully restored into a fine restaurant, including a vault for a wine cellar. The streets outside are full of tourists and many of them here for the big match. As we pull up to the restaurant the crowd spots Bobby and they start shouting, "Bobby! Bobby! Bobby!" and as he disembarks the van he is mobbed. Everyone wants to talk to him, kid him about being a chauvinist pig, find out why he lost to Billie Jean or how he was going to beat Sally. Inside the restaurant, he receives the same attention, a standing ovation, and some catcalls from the women in the room.
At the table he is seated next to Sally. It is the first time they have met. His eyes twinkle behind his glasses and his smile denotes a twinkle within, "So you're my date for Sunday! I've heard a lot about you, Sally, from your old coach at the L.A. Tennis Club, George Toley. And too from Billie Jean. She said she was 15 when you won the U.S. and Wimbledon Juniors. You were her idol. The number one Junior player in the world, then a semi-finalist the next year at Wimbledon, barely losing to the Brazilian Maria Bueno. Now, I hear you just beat the number four player on the Slims Tour, Wendy Overton. Well done. Well done. I'm very impressed, Sally. We should have a lot of fun!
Sally smiles sweetly, maintaining her poise. She was cautious in receiving his compliments.
The mayor slides into the seat next to Bobby on the other side and they engage in a conversation about golf. Andy and I sit opposite him and watch the proceedings with great interest. Andy leans over to me and whispers, "Marv, you'll be happy to know that 5 different supporters of Sally have already covered half of Bobby's money. We should have it all down by Friday. They see it as easy money. Gotta think they're right. If I were a gambling man, I'd take a piece of it myself."
Bobby leans forward and asks me, "Marv, Mayor Stevens here has asked if you don't have anything for me Friday afternoon some of his friends would like me to join them for nine holes of golf over at Snowmass. He says the drives fly long at this altitude, 300 yards or more. This I'd like to see. Might help me get acclimated a little faster too."
"Sure, Bobby, just don't hurt yourself. You're our main attraction."
"No problem, Marv. One other thing I meant to mention to you last night. I would be happy to put on a tennis doubles exhibition for you Saturday to help build interest for Sunday. Maybe a couple of one-setters, with anyone you want. You'd be my partner to even things out. Maybe to make it interesting each player could put up $250. Winner-take-all. I'll cover you. Could be fun. Everyone wants to say they took money off of me. Might even fill the stands on Saturday, a bonus event. What do you say?"
I was a decent enough player, but his chances of winning with me as a partner against the better players in town had to be slim. Why am I worried again? He has only been here two days and it could cost him his appearance money and his own bankroll. I don't understand him. But I loved the idea!
"I'm not sure what to think of this guy," I tell Sally, as we return home. "For a semi-sick, worn-out old man, he still certainly draws a crowd. Andy told me that it's his understanding that the mayor's golf friends are 'high-rollers' from Vegas. That doesn't make me feel too comfortable. Like flies to honey.
Regardless, the town is humming and our event is really ramping up. I'm very pumped about that part."
Sally smiles a knowing smile, "Marv, don't underestimate him. I've known of his hustles for years -- playing with a frying pan or an ashtray instead of a racket. Playing left-handed. Tying a chair to his leg and when the bet was on, he could still beat the guy. He's legendary for these antics at the L.A. Tennis Club. No matter what his condition, he's still a very fine tennis player. I'm going into this like he's a really tough opponent and it's a really tough match. Don't get me involved with him anymore than necessary until after the match, please.!"
Andy and I usually meet for strudel and coffee every Friday. To get to Gretel's you have to take the chair-lift up Ajax in the summer. During the winter we would always go up on the first chair-lift of the day to the top and ski down, breaking the new snow and stopping half-way at Gretel's mountain chalet for some of her famous, tasty pastry. Here we would recap the Tennis Club building progress for the week. That was the life of a businessman in Aspen. Today was different.
"Well Andy, did you hit with him again this morning? Has he recovered from his flight and last night's activities? Is he hitting any better?"
"Marv, I would say that he's a little more acclimated. He's hitting the ball a little stronger, but way below anything that will give Sally a real match. But I think he'll look good enough for the crowd. He's still not able to handle my pace, but he'll be able to go two sets, definitely not three." I feel a sense of relief. Then he continues, "Right as we were finishing our warm-up, the mayor and his Vegas friends showed up. They took him over to Snowmass for some golf. Looks like 'fresh meat' for the sharks to me. Obviously he's feeling better. He didn't beg off. By the way I've got some good news. Tom from the bank reports that we are going to have a full house on Sunday. The branches throughout the state report over 1,000 new savings accounts already. At $5000 each, that's over $5,000,000. You can bet the bank's very happy and we have 2000 ticket holders on-the-way. Not bad. Not bad at all! They're coming from Denver, Colorado Springs, even as far away as Fort Collins. Congratulations, Marv. The event is already a huge success. Stop worrying!"
I still just shake my head. Bad news! Good news! What's next?
Sally and I lead Bobby and Nancy, through the jammed streets and into the over-crowded restaurant. The Red Onion is another restored relic from the 1800's. It is not as classy as the Crystal Palace, but a big favorite among the locals. During the ski season you need to make a reservation a season in advance or you can't even buy your way in during your stay. Bobby seems in great spirits. Perhaps the action on the golf course did him some good. I give Sally a squeeze and decide I'm finally going to enjoy the evening. Bobby is his ever gracious self, chit-chatting with everyone, shaking hands with the jocks and kissing cheeks of the ladies. Nurse Nancy keeps her eye on him, not allowing him to roam too far from her side. More than a nurse we could not say, but she is far too pretty to only be handing out pills with her bedside manner. Just like Nancy, the crowds love him.
Our guests tonight are business owners from the hotels, restaurants, sporting good stores, high-end jewelry and clothing boutiques. All of them were benefiting immensely from Bobby's visit. I sit across from Bobby, but Sally chooses to sit as far away as possible. As the fawning activity settles down, I lean over to Bobby and ask, "How did the golfing go today?"
"Marv, the two guys with the mayor were real hustlers. The mayor's a nice guy, but where did those two come from? They were serious golfers and serious gamblers."
Gad, I thought, more bad news, "What happened?"
"Well, in just nine holes, I lost $1,500. I really didn't have a chance. Not only was I not feeling great, but the ball at this altitude doesn't do what I think it's going to do. Now, they've got me committed again Saturday after our doubles exhibition. I've got to try and get my money back. At this rate I may lose all of the money I'll win by beating beat Sally. I'm not feeling too good right now. I would really like to cut out early tonight and go back to the condo and rest up. I'm going to need a miracle for tomorrow! Tell Andy that the doubles will be enough warm-up for me, so I don't need him until Sunday about 10:00 a.m. OK?"
Copyright 2008 Marv Huss
Marv Huss graduated from the University of Callifornia, Berkeley. Captain Huss served in the USMC as a fighter pilot in the South Pacific. After his military service he rose through the corporate ranks at Hallmark to corporate Director of Advertising, responsible for the Emmy-award-winning "Hallmark Hall of Fame" television series. Retiring from corporate life he helped develop a world-class resort, The Aspen Club in Aspen, Colorado.
In the 90's, Marv focused his marketing skills on his wife - considered one of the leading artist/writers in the country. Together they have licenesed her art on clothing, purses, books and even baby bibs. Their most recent creation, Happy Musings, is a newspaper feature combining her charming art with a whimsical life thought syndicated by King Features. Happy Musings are now available as e-cards at [] or through Marv now lives and writes full-time in his home in La Jolla, California while overseeing his wife's artistic endeavors.
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Increase Pitching Velocity - 3x Pitching
To understand the effects of Olympic lifting on pitchers, you must first understand how velocity is measured. I will use Newton's second law of motion, along with the Catapult Theory, to explain pitching velocity.
Newton's Second Law:
States that the acceleration (velocity) of an object in motion is dependent upon two variables - the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. As the force of propulsion acting upon the object increases, the acceleration of the object increases. As the mass of the object increases, the acceleration of the object decreases.
Newton's 2nd Law of Motion
a = f/m (f = force, m = mass, a = acceleration)
Let's put this into baseball terms. Newton's second law of motion would state that to throw a baseball 90 mph would require 6.5 pounds of pressure applied to a baseball, with a mass of 5 ounces, for two tenths of one second (.20).
6.5 pp applied to a 5 ounce baseball for .20 seconds = 90 mph fastball
Therefore to increase an 80 mph fastball to 90 mph you must either increase the force applied or the application time. The application time is how long you hold on to the ball once the force is applied. Subtracting 25% of application time forces a pitcher to increase the applied force by 33%. Increasing the application time by 10%, increased to .22 seconds, would add 10 mph to an 80 mph fastball.
80 mph fastball + 10% more application time = 90 mph fastball
Catapult Theory:
The Catapult is made up of three components: the pivot, the coil and the arm. Let's add a ball to the end of the arm to represent a baseball. To measure the velocity of the baseball, after the arm is released and the ball is in motion, we use Newton's second law as described above. The importance of the Catapult is its relation to a pitcher at his full range of motion before launch of ball (See picture of Nolan Ryan below). If the Catapult pivot is not stable and is moving forward during release of the arm, then this will decrease the force applied to the ball at launch. In return, poor velocity. Now, if we stabilize the pivot, meaning no movement, and continue to apply the same force to the ball. When the arm is released and the ball is launched, it will reach its potential velocity. To keep force applied to the ball consistent the coil must maintain pressure on the arm during the entire delivery process.
How does Olympic lifting come into this equation?
First reason, it is the only type of lifting in the weight room that trains triple extension.
What is triple extension? This isn't something new to the sports world. Olympic lifters have been using the term "Triple extension" for a long time. Triple extension occurs when the ankle joint extends, the knee joint extends along with the extension of the hip flexor. Visualize a long jumper in mid air like above (Notice left leg in triple extension). Also notice, in the picture to the right of Nolan Ryan, his right leg has triple extension. You can see his ankle, knee, and hip flexors in full extension. There is no weight lifting that trains the body pushing off of the ground as a single unit better than the Olympic Lifts. Triple extension plays in every sport that involves pushing off of ground.
Second reason, notice the lifter doing a split jerk at the top of the article. This is a very similar movement to pitching. More similar than any other weight training exercise. Studies have shown that athletes get better when training within their sport. This is called sport specific training.
This lifter is using triple extension to drive the weight up. Just like the pitcher driving the ball to the plate. The only difference here is the consequence of error. If the lifter losses momentum in the hips, he will drop the weight. If the pitcher losses momentum in the hips, he will throw a home run to some lucky batter.
Now, how does triple extension increase velocity?
In all ways described in the Catapult theory above and Newton's Second law, it adds both application time and force applied to ball.
First let's explain how it increases application time, which is the most efficient way to increase velocity. Maximum application time comes from full range of motion. Example, Nolan Ryan has 180 degrees range of motion in picture above. This is the maximum possible. This means the Catapult is set to its potential, arm all the way back. For this to occur with a pitcher the hips must be pushed under the shoulders. The only way to push the hips under the shoulders is extending the back leg ankle, knee and hip flexor, also called Triple Extension, at the perfect time. With hips all the way under the shoulders, the pitcher now has reached his full range of motion, therefore increasing the application time to build or maintain force to the ball.
If the hips are lagging, the chest is leaning forward and the arm is leading the body, then minimal application time has occurred. Less range of motion therefore less potential to create more velocity.
Triple extension adds force to the ball because it aids in the momentum originally generated from the lift leg along with gravity. This only aids the momentum, if triple extension occurs, just before front foot strike. If it happens to early and the hips have not moved down the mound, then the hips open too soon. This kills the purpose of good momentum and it also kills full range of motion.
With chest out and hips under shoulders, chest and chin must remain up until launch of ball to keep pivot stable through entire delivery.
More benefits of Olympic lifting!
Not only do these lifts train Triple Extension better than any other style of lifting but it specifically trains fast twitch muscle fiber. This is what makes an athlete explosive. For pitchers and baseball players, getting stronger in the weight room has been forbidden, until the steroid area came into fruition. Now everyone is lifting. This isn't a trend. This is because it works!
The last benefit of Olympic lifting for the pitching delivery occurs during stabilization of the front leg. Like described in the Catapult Theory, stabilization must occur to prevent decreasing force applied to ball. Therefore if the pitchers landing leg moves forward or gives away, then force is decreased to the ball. In return poor velocity. Notice Nolan Ryan in the picture here. His front leg almost triple extends. This means he is preventing instability in his front leg by holding and even extending it back into his hips. This is why he reached his top velocity.
So how do I get started?
In the weight room but first find a professionally certified Olympic Lifting Coach. These lifts take a lot of training to perform correctly, so to prevent injury. I do not recommend performing these lifts with out a proper coach supporting you. Please check with your physician before performing these lifts and remember weight is not important. Your form in the weight room and on the field is all that matters. Always sacrifice weight for good mechanics.
If you have any questions about this information please post your questions on the discussion board.
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